Snap On Air Compressors

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Wondering about Snap On air compressors?

Most folks in North America are familiar with the mid-size white vans with Snap On emblazoned in big red letters all over them, traveling their routes, and selling well-reputed Snap On Tools to shops and garages on the way.

As part of their product mix, Snap On offers their customers Snap On brand air compressors as well.

They have other channels to market for the Snap On air compressor range. They sell their shop / garage line of air compressors on line through their own web site, and their route sales people. The on line perception is that these products are of very good quality.

Fix My Compressor - Snap On air compressors

Snap On compressors are also available from Amazon, and other on line outlets. Many big box stores like Costco and The Home Depot sold Snap On compressors and presently they are still available from Northern Tool. The perception at on line news groups is that the Snap On compressors available from retail outlets are not the same quality as those bought directly from Snap On.

Who Makes Snap On Air Compressors?

Snap On does not manufacture their air compressors. Like other major retailers Snap On shops at various compressor companies for their compressors, buying a range or model from one, other models from other companies, all branded with the recognized Snap On brand.

Users indicate that over the years Snap On Air compressors have been built for them by companies such as Rolair and The Big Red One  made by Sleegers Engineered Products Inc.  in Canada. Another Canadian company, Brahma Compressors is said to have made compressors for Snap On as well. The thing is, even these companies don’t make all the parts, but assemble various components into a finished compressor that is labeled as Snap On.

Various Manufacturer’s Mean Parts Supply Issues

When you buy a Snap On air compressor, it is going to fail! Not just Snap On compressors will fail, of course, but when you buy any brand of air compressor and start using it, the clock is running, and one day, something will fail and your air compressor won’t work.

Where do you get parts for your Snap On air compressor?

The logical place to start is their customer service line from 8-5, Central Time, Monday to Friday: toll free number at 877-762-7664. You will want to have the model number and probably even any serial numbers handy when you call. Ask their service people about parts and if they are no longer available for your model, do they know who made the compressor for Snap On originally. If they have that info, contact the original manufacturer for parts availability.

Depending on what has gone wrong with your Snap On air compressor, many parts can be sourced elsewhere. Pressure switches, PRV valves, regulators and the like need not be Snap On brand to work on their air compressor.

Post your question or ask for parts help here!

This is your forum page about Snap On air compressors. Post a question, offer advice, however you can help with Snap On air compressors, this is the page to do it. Please note that questions or postings not related to Snap On air compressors will not be published on this page.

Manual for compressor part number bra6180v – provided by Roy Preston

By Ashley Pearce

As a passionate manufacturing and mechanical engineer, I've had my fair share of run ins with air compressors and compressed air systems. With over a decade of experience in the industry, I have both a fresh perspective and time-served hands and mind to help you with your compressor problems (along with our able community!)

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John T
John T
August 8, 2024 9:13 pm

Snap-on model 871000 – bought from COSTCO about 12 years ago. I need a maintenance manual. Does anyone know where to find one for this model?

November 27, 2023 5:42 pm

my compressor model 691915 looking for a manifold for it ?
sir v11204001084

Strother hines
Strother hines
August 16, 2023 7:36 pm

My air compressor does not come on when switched. I changed the pressure switch but still no luck, if I push down the contactor it runs as long as I hold it in…what’s the answer? Thanks!

Chris goshko
Chris goshko
September 11, 2022 12:51 pm

I’m looking for a manifold for a 20 gallon snap on compressor model # 691915

Arkangel 7344
Arkangel 7344
Reply to  Chris goshko
October 4, 2024 4:19 pm

I am also looking for one no luck yet sourcing one

Reply to  Chris goshko
September 22, 2022 2:22 pm

Were you able to locate this part? I’m looking for the same

Reply to  Dan
December 6, 2023 4:46 am

i am looking for the same part

Reply to  Dan
November 27, 2023 5:28 pm

i am looking for the same part ? any luck

Rejean De Champlain
Rejean De Champlain
May 16, 2022 7:09 pm

J’ai un compresseur Snap-on 691915 de 20 gallons avec un collecteur cassé. Est-ce que quelqu’un sait où je pourrais trouver un collecteur ?et le prix…

Karen isenor
Karen isenor
March 21, 2022 12:26 pm

Need to replace manifold

Reply to  Karen isenor
December 6, 2023 4:47 am


Timothy Tabor
Timothy Tabor
March 15, 2022 1:29 pm

Where can I find a owner’s manual and intake air filter for my BRA 7180V?

March 12, 2022 5:03 pm

I have a 20 gal snap on compressor and it is leaking from under the black cover. the air leak is so bad it does not get above 30-40 psi/. HOW DOES THE COVER COME OFF SO I CAN FIND OUT WHERE THE AIR LEAK ACTUALLY IS?

John D'Agui
John D'Agui
March 6, 2022 9:47 pm

I have just purchased a used (with only 60 hours) Snap on 80 gallon compressor. Model number is BRA6WH. It requires a 40 amp 240 volt circuit. I have a 50 amp outlet I use for my welder. The compressor has what appears to be a 30 amp power cord and it is pigtailed to about 12 gauge leads where it connects to the control box. This doesn’t seem correct to me. Should I change this power cord to matcch my outlet and wire it and directly to the terminal sand eliminate the pigtails?

Larry S Bailey
Larry S Bailey
March 6, 2022 9:32 am

I’m trying to find the specs. on a Snap-on Big Red air compressor Model BRA233P. Any info would be greatly appreciated. I have looked all over the net and can’t find any info.

Tommy Stout
Tommy Stout
December 2, 2021 9:10 pm

I have a 5hp 80 gallon tank Ram Air compressor not pumping any pressure, assume reed valves broken, where can I get parts for this item, r need original mfg of this unit, please contact me with this info, thanks

Stephen Porras
Stephen Porras
Reply to  Tommy Stout
December 15, 2021 2:18 pm

Hi I think my reeds r broken how do I replace them

Don Goodger
Don Goodger
November 8, 2021 2:43 pm

I am trying to find a check valve for my Snap on 20 Gallon Vertical Dual Stage air compressor. Model # 691915 Serial # 1101000303 and having no luck with All Trade Tools or Snap on. Does anybody know where I can get the proper part I need? Thanks

Bob Lawson
Bob Lawson
August 7, 2021 1:14 am

To the moderator. A little unorthodox but could you send an email to Ronald Iverson to see where he found the manifold at. He is probably not monitoring the post any longer as he found the part. If you could contact him and get the company name, it would help a number of people. Thanks.

Bob Lawson

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Bob Lawson
August 7, 2021 8:15 am

Bob, we can’t reach out, only reply. I hope he or someone that knows him sees this and passes it on. I tried to find the info but had no luck.

Bob Lawson
Bob Lawson
Reply to  Fix My Compressor Moderator
August 8, 2021 12:00 am

Thanks, appreciate your efforts.

Al Yaz
Al Yaz
July 31, 2021 12:32 pm

My understanding, fwiw, is that these compressors (BRA5DV30VP) were built by Sleegers in the USA. Quality compressors / parts used. A call to Sleegers may be beneficial.

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Al Yaz
July 31, 2021 1:10 pm

Thanks for that, Al.

Eldon Hubka
Eldon Hubka
May 6, 2021 9:41 am

I have a 691915 snap-on 20 gal compressor with a broken manifold. Does anyone know where I could find a manifold?

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Eldon Hubka
May 6, 2021 10:35 am

Eldon, I share your frustration in not being able to find parts for your Snap On compressors 691915. I’d like to advise, but cannot find a photo of the compressor manifold you need. Would you please add a comment to this thread, and upload a photo – or two – of the manifold? Thanks.

Eldon Hubka
Eldon Hubka
Reply to  Fix My Compressor Moderator
May 6, 2021 2:50 pm

Not sure if i did this right. Two photos attached

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Eldon Hubka
May 7, 2021 9:12 am

Yup, that’s a complex one, in particular, because of the mounting screw holes seem to be part of the manifold. If you want to continue using your Snap On compressor, you may have to modify it to do so.

If you browse for brass plumbing fittings, you’ll find a wide assortment of them. These brass nipples, unions, adapters etc. can be assembled into a manifold. You can also use them to change the air flow path from the flow path of the existing manifold to make a manifold that suits you better.

Do you really need two regulators? If so, plug one of the exisiting, and add a general purpose regulator just before the couplings. That provides regulation of air for both, and removes the need to have the regulator – and regulator gauges – as part of the manifold as they are now.

It will require work, and perhaps a trip to plumbing parts distributor, but you can build your own.

Last thought, if you browse for replacement small air compressor regulator manifolds, you will find many. Since the compressor doesn’t care what the flow path of the regulator manifold is, and as long as the “new” one provides the functionality of the old, does the shape matter? Can you use another brand that would do the same thing, even if it makes your compressor a hybrid in that regard.

Just some ideas. Good luck.

Eldon Hubka
Eldon Hubka
Reply to  Fix My Compressor Moderator
May 10, 2021 9:52 am

I was hoping to restore it to original with the plastic cover that covers it all, but will have to adapt it. thanks for the ideas.

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Eldon Hubka
May 10, 2021 11:57 am

You are most welcome. When you’ve got it configured to work again, if you could take a moment to upload a couple of photos to this thread, it would sure help the many others with your same compressor issue. Cheers.

Reply to  Fix My Compressor Moderator
August 3, 2021 12:59 am

Same compressor, same manifold. Thanks for the advise I’ll try the same

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Mikeb
August 3, 2021 9:20 am

Glad to hear it, and you are welcome.

March 28, 2021 10:40 am

I bought a 15 gallon at costco 5 years ago, recently il doesnt fille up , it ‘s stop at 20 psi i wait 30 sec and restart for another 10 pound before it stop again ??..

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  DANIEL
March 28, 2021 11:03 am

Sounds like it might be an overheat problem. Is it taking longer to fill to those levels that before? Is there any change in how or where you are using this Snap On air compressor?

Daniel Normand
Daniel Normand
Reply to  Fix My Compressor Moderator
March 28, 2021 7:39 pm

i’m not using this often but last summer i paint with it for the first time in the backyard and i remember it stop by itself and i said oups it’s an ovorheat maybe ! but after few min it was ok but a month or so after the problem start ! i just replace the pressure switch and the issue still ! is there something to do if it overheat ?

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Daniel Normand
March 29, 2021 11:37 am

Please provide the model number of your Snap On compressor, Daniel. Yes, overheating is caused a number of issues, including whether or not an extension cord is used to power the compressor. Please provide details. Thank you.

February 25, 2021 5:48 am

Hi there. I have a Snap-On CE16 single phase compressor that has stopped working as the relay has broken inside. I have discovered that a 4 pin relay is a single pole single single throw switch but unsure of how to wire up a replacement that is slightly different from the original. Would anyone know some further details on this so I know what to buy and where to buy it?

Many Thanks in advance

Ronald Iverson
Ronald Iverson
February 17, 2021 8:34 am

Thanking you so very much for your aid. I finally found the manifold in Nevada and it is being shipped to me as we speak.

Thanking you again,

Bob Lawson
Bob Lawson
Reply to  Ronald Iverson
August 6, 2021 12:09 am

Can you share the name of the company you found the manifold at please. Same problem and can’t locate a company in Nevada that carries it. Thanks in advance.

Reply to  Ronald Iverson
February 27, 2021 3:53 pm

Hello, from who you bought your manifold? Do you have the company name ? if it’s not too much to ask.

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Ronald Iverson
February 17, 2021 1:15 pm

Glad to hear it. The alternative was to make one yourself out of brass fittings from an industrial plumbing supplier. Cheers.

Update: a lot of folks appear to want to know where you found it. Could you add a comment with the contact information of source you found? Thanks, from all of us.

Ronald Iverson
Ronald Iverson
February 12, 2021 3:33 pm

I am in need of a air compressor manifold for my snap-on model 691915. Serial number v1-1702000260
Thanking you,

Eldon Hubka
Eldon Hubka
Reply to  Ronald Iverson
May 2, 2021 10:20 am

Did you find a manifold? If so where?

Leon Arbeau
Leon Arbeau
Reply to  Ronald Iverson
March 16, 2021 10:17 am

I have the same compressor. Where did you buy the manifold?

Eldon Hubka
Eldon Hubka
Reply to  Leon Arbeau
May 2, 2021 10:21 am

Did you find a manifold? If so where?

Reply to  Ronald Iverson
February 21, 2021 12:31 pm

Hi , I have the snap on air compressor model 691915 Serial number v1-1702000260 , I have the manifold is broken and I can’t find online. Please can you help me ?

Ronald Iverson
Ronald Iverson
Reply to  Ronald Iverson
February 16, 2021 11:36 am

Am sending you two pictures of the manifold, one of the specs and a pic of the air compressor.
Thanking you,

snap on 3.jpg
snap on 3.jpg
snap on 5.jpg
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Ronald Iverson
February 12, 2021 4:46 pm

Ron, please add a comment to this thread with at least two photos of the manifold you are seeking. Thank you. In the comment click the “paper clip” icon to select and upload photos.

Timothy Brown
Timothy Brown
January 7, 2021 12:21 pm

I have a snap on 2 stage compressor built by big red. Model number BRA618V and Serial number 530487. The head gasket blew out and I have the new one. I need the torque specs for the head bolts and sequence or is it normal cross side to side. Thanks!!

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Timothy Brown
July 23, 2021 8:45 am

Manual supplied by Roy Preston – it’s now posted on the Snap On compressor page at the bottom. Thank you Roy for taking the time.

Reply to  Timothy Brown
July 11, 2021 9:50 pm

split the manual and hope can get loaded now

Reply to  Timothy Brown
July 3, 2021 8:48 pm

looking around for specs on mine have the operators manual for this unit can copy and upload if needed.

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Timothy Brown
January 7, 2021 12:34 pm

There are sites that show pump head torque specs, just not for this specific Snap On air compressor. Happy to post this in the hope someone has those, eitherwise, if it were mine, I’d look a what’s out there and tighten to the mid-to-upper range of what I was seeing. Good luck.

November 19, 2020 1:56 pm

Hello, I have the Costco Snap On 15 Gallon air compressor, model #871000C, with a broken cylinder head. I need a new cylinder head and the cylinder head gasket. Where can I buy a replacement ??? I called Alltrade and they can’t help me. Thxs

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Nathalie
November 19, 2020 3:00 pm

Another vendor of consumer air compressors with no supply chain to help buyers after market issues. Is there a pump model number anywhere on any plates on the compressor? If so, Google “parts for xxxx compressor pump” to see if the actual manufacturer may have parts. Failing that, we’ll throw this request out into the internet world in the hopes some kind individual can assist. Good luck.

October 21, 2020 7:40 pm

hello i have a 30 gallon snap on verticle air compressor from 2003. the model # is bra5dv30vp. the model number on the jug is15max/dekko. it will only build approx 50 psi, i had this issue before and turned the reed valves over and it fixed the issue. but now i think its time for new ones. anyone have any leads on where to source them from as so far snap on has not been able to help.

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  joe
October 22, 2020 10:39 am

I don’t have a picture of the reeds, so don’t know if this compressor has a plate or just the flappers. If the latter, folks have written that you can make your own out of spring stock. Lot’s of pages and comments on this site about how to do that.

I googled “flapper valve replacement for compressors” and found a number of sources. Measure the ones you have and see if any of the off brands might work too.

Marc London
Marc London
September 16, 2020 10:17 pm

I have 2 of the Costco Snap On 20 Gallon air compressors both with broken air manifolds. The air manifold that the 3 gauges screw into and the 2 hose fittings . Where can I buy a replacement??? Thxs

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Marc London
September 17, 2020 8:56 am

You could try the Snap On help line (see the Snap On website) but it’s doubtful as I can see no sign of these on line. I can’t see the manifold as there are no photos of it I can find. It is possible that your can “cobble in” another compressor manufacturers manifold. There are some available. Goggle “air compressor regulator manifold” to find a bunch. If that won’t work, you can build your own out of a selection of brass fittings (nipples, bushings, tees, elbows etc) available from a decent plumbing supply distributor.

May 29, 2020 7:27 am

looking at buying a snap on compressor bra6180v but the pressure switch/ contactor switch is missing. Cant seem to find that part or the correct part number anywhere. anyone have any information on that?

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  mike
May 29, 2020 10:39 am

The part number bra6180v refers to the pump and is not the model number of the compressor. Can you find the model number of the compressor?


PART# BRA6180V, BRA7180V, BRA8180V, BRA8380V, 0203


May 9, 2020 11:25 am

I am looking for a motor for mod# 691915 air compressor. I am looking in Canada. 120 15 amp. Oil fill.

Jim O'Hara
Jim O'Hara
Reply to  Victor
May 17, 2020 5:05 pm

Any luck finding a motor ?

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Victor
May 9, 2020 4:43 pm

Did you try here:


Canadian General Customer Service Locations, or to find the name of your local Snap-on Dealer
Western Canada: 800-263-8665
Eastern Canada: 800-665-8665

Comments or Questions contact us by e-mail

February 17, 2020 1:57 pm

Have a Snap-On Compressor Model No. BRA514V, Serial No. 261349
that needs a head gasket that leaks a very small amount of oil
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  John
February 17, 2020 2:05 pm

Yeah John, none that I can find anywhere either. You may have to make your own. Here’s one way.

September 25, 2019 6:17 pm

Where do you find parts for a snap on air compressor model # 691915 in Canada?

Reply to  Dan
September 27, 2019 2:00 pm

I also am looking for parts for this compressor in Canada, the manifold which looks to be white metal is broken. I believe this was supplied by Alltrade tools. I reached out to customer service for Alltrade via email but they couldn’t bother getting back to me.

Reply to  Matt
October 1, 2019 12:55 pm

Just sent another message via the website… Now we wait and see if they contact me.

Reply to  Matt
October 25, 2020 5:39 pm

Looking to find this same part. Please post how everything works out

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Matt
October 2, 2019 12:11 pm

Good luck, Matt. You may have to simply Google compressor regulator manifolds and pick one that’s closest to the existing one.

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Dan
September 25, 2019 6:24 pm

What parts are you looking for? Some think that Campbell Hausfeld supplied this compressor to Snap On, but you’d likely have to contact them in the U.S.

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Dan
September 25, 2019 6:23 pm

I guess it would depend on what parts you are looking for. Some think this compressor is supplied by Campbell Hausfeld, so you might try them, but figure out what you need, first.

September 15, 2019 5:39 pm

I have a air compressor that has a oil leak on the frunt ware the plat bolts on the frunt of the piston i cant see how the rubber gasket go on to seal it

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Devale
September 15, 2019 5:43 pm

I take it you’ve tried to tighten the existing bolts, with no luck. Wish I could see a photo of where the oil leak is. Perhaps you could upload one using the comment camera icon?

August 21, 2019 10:01 pm

I own a Snap On Vertical 20 gal Compressor, product number 870765, the flat metal valve the controls the air intake into the compressor cratered… it is part number 691915-5. Any ideas on where I can get this part? I hear other companies made compressors for Snap On, possibly these parts can be sourced from the other manufacturer?

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Bob
August 22, 2019 2:25 pm

You might try Campbell Hausfeld, and if not them, call Snap On and ask who their other manufacturers of compressors are so you can contact each. That, or make your own using spring stock cut to size.

Nathan B Roberts
Nathan B Roberts
August 19, 2019 1:17 pm

Found this page while trying to figure out which air compressor I have. I received a horizontal 2 HP white air compressor 2nd-hand that says Snap-On on the side, but I cannot figure out what model it is. The name plates I can find are for the motor, a Century motor that is a 230 Volt M56 frame, also says Gould(?)
And the tank says Melben Products Co. Inc. But I can’t find any sort of overall part number. Even though I was told it worked last time they used it I don’t want to start it up until I know I’ve checked the oil properly. Any idea what this is? I checked the snap-on website and they don’t have anything that is only 2HP.

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Nathan B Roberts
August 19, 2019 5:31 pm

Snap On still sells, though they don’t make any of the compressors they sell, as far as we know. You might contact Campbell Hausfeld 800-543-6400, Mon Fri, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. EST as they evidently made compressors for Snap On.

Melben was in the compressor business too, their company originating in the sheet metal business, and perhaps they made the tank on your compressor.

This style is commonplace, and many parts off of other compressors will fit. You don’t show the whole pump, and I missed seeing if there was an oil fill port on top of yours as the photo doesn’t show the whole pump top. In the photo of the compressor you can see the oil drain plug at the bottom of the pump. With care, drain the oil from this port, and as far as what oil, visit your local hardware or big box store and acquire “Compressor Lubricating Oil”, not air tool oil, and you’ll be fine with that. Also, don’t use any oils that have detergents, and this leaves out auto / truck oil too. Just get “compressor lube oil” and that’s work OK.

August 6, 2019 8:31 pm

I have a 15 gal air compressor that only goes to 20 lbs pressure but keeps running and doesn’t build more than 20lbs.

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  larry
August 7, 2019 8:54 am

Larry, that symptom typically points to a valve or gasket problem in the compressor pump. Either the valves are letting air in and out of the pump and not into the tank, or they are simply cycling air in the pump. A leaking gasket results in the same issue.

Probably time for a pump kit, and if you Google “parts for xxxx” where the xxxx is the make and model you’ll soon find out if kits are even available.

August 1, 2019 3:56 pm

Looking for a rebuild kit for a model BRA718 serial 7E31361 I had found one about 5 years ago but lost the information . The electric motor is fine but the pump has blown a head gasket

Reply to  Chad
August 30, 2019 2:20 pm

Try Big Red @ 1-800-231-5203–ask for Brian

(Phone number is for BRAMA, Division of SLEEGERS Tanks Inc., 5855 Kopetsky Dr., Suite I, Indianapolis, IN – Moderator)

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Chad
August 1, 2019 6:27 pm

I couldn’t find a photo of this compressor, nor could I find a source for parts. However, others have reported on other sites that they have been successful cutting out their own compressor pump gaskets from high heat gasket material purchased from an auto supply shop. Maybe this is an option?

Reply to  Fix My Compressor Moderator
August 1, 2019 7:15 pm

Tried that once already and didn’t work

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Chad
August 2, 2019 5:06 pm

Dang. Sorry to hear that. One site I found suggests that Rolair can supply parts for older Snap On air compressors. Have you tried them yet?

July 17, 2019 2:37 pm

i need the diagram for wiring in the starter box the model number is bra15312h snap on compressor. 10 hp 3 phase for every wire in there .

Jerry Betts
Jerry Betts
July 4, 2019 4:20 pm

Model#BRA5DV30VP. The motor spins fine but the pump trys to lock up for what ever reason. Can I replace the pump if so where to purchase.

August 19, 2017 1:27 pm

I have an 80 gal. Snap on compressor model# bra7180v and i dont think ive ever heard the tank draining. I was told that the drain was automatic but my owners manual refers to a manual petcock. Am i able to manually drain tank? If not is there a check process that i can do.

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Tim
August 19, 2017 2:30 pm

Snap On compressor drain petcock

I’ve uploaded an image of the Snap On bra7180v and added an arrow where, typically, the tank drain petcock is located. It is usually at the lowest point in an air compressor tank, to facilitate draining all the captured water.

Yes, you are able to manually drain the tank, and you should get in the habit of doing so regularly to help prevent standing water in the tank, and the ensuing corrosion of the inner wall over time.

May 24, 2017 3:31 pm

7 HP, 230V 1-Phase Baldor motor on 80-gallon Snap-On compressor started buzzing/stalling for about 1-1.5 seconds when it kicks on. Replaced the two capacitors, but that did not cure it. Spec sheet lists “mag starter,” is this an internal centrifugal switch that switches it from start to run windings as it starts up? Could that be the issue? Do you know of any drawings on how to get to it/replace it? Thanks very much.

David Mansker
David Mansker
March 27, 2017 3:09 pm

My Br223p ser391699 has a blown out 1/4 inch quick release tube that plugs to the out let manifold where can I buy the tubing I need here in Phoenix Arizona.

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  David Mansker
March 27, 2017 4:23 pm

This is a case where a photo would do much to let others help you, David. I cannot find an image of your Snap On air compressor Br223p, and I am not sure, from your description, just what tube you speak of. Can you please add a couple of images of the area on the compressor where this tube is?

Mark Shipman
Mark Shipman
Reply to  Fix My Compressor Moderator
February 3, 2020 4:27 am

Do you have operators manual for this model….mine is a bra233p but hopefully is similar to yours. Can’t find it anywhere on the internet so would greatly appreciate it if you can post a pdf copy.

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Mark Shipman
February 3, 2020 8:35 am

I am sorry Mark. I do not. If anyone has this manual, please upload it as an attachment to a comment on this thread. Thanks.

March 11, 2017 10:39 pm

Hey there. ..I have model BRA5dv30vp 30 gallon serial # Jac15099-122 compressor…when I bought the compressor brand new…I had no issues…now it only gets to about 40 psi and then blows the breaker…I had an electrician test it…and its drawing 45 amps instead of the max 25…anyone ever had these issues? Any help would be greatly appreciated! !!

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Rob-B
March 12, 2017 11:23 am

Please see the page on this site about how to check your compressor motor capacitors, and then check them. Unless you’ve had a radical change in the electrical circuits supplying the compressor, I believe that the caps are the issue with your current Snap On compressor issue.

Harry Vickers
Harry Vickers
December 21, 2016 11:27 pm

I need to buy an DRC manifold for snap on air compressor 870765 20 gal vertical. Pls help me. The manifold was broken.

Thank you,

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Harry Vickers
December 22, 2016 9:15 pm

When I Googled manifold for snap on air compressor 870765 I found many sources of what appears to be the manifold, Harry. If none of them suit, you can build your own using the various parts from the existing manifold, and using brass fittings to recreated the manifold.

October 17, 2016 8:41 pm

who sells parts for snap on compressor model 871000c. looking for a rebuild kit. thanks

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  homer
October 17, 2016 9:39 pm

Try contacting them directly:
Snap-on Incorporated
P.O. Box 1410
Kenosha, WI 53141-1410, U.S.A.
T: 262-656-5200

June 22, 2016 10:53 am

I purchased this compressor used for my friends Bodyshop but while being transported some careless person pulled off the yellow wires show in picture, how do I properly connect these yellow wires

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Ronnie
June 23, 2016 9:22 am

Ronnie, sorry, no image accompanied your post. Please start again, and upload the photo you refer to please.

Kenny forrest
Kenny forrest
July 26, 2015 12:46 pm

Thanks for help about unloader valve . Fitted new one now the air escapes through the unloader valve all the time till tank
is empty. Took out tank check valve, it was very corroded and seized needs a new one . Where can I get one ?

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Kenny forrest
July 26, 2015 4:44 pm

If you Google your model number, you will find parts for some of them. Otherwise, simply Google compressor tank check valve to find an assortment. Pick the one that is the same as yours.

Kenny forrest
Kenny forrest
May 11, 2015 10:40 am

I have snap on 2.2 kW single phase compressor 200 ltr tank iIt starts up fine on empty tank ,goes off at right pressure .When tank pressure reaches 80 psi motor tries to start but just buzzes and blows 13 amp fuse in plug top Its like there is tank pressure on top of the Pistons making it difficult for restart

Reply to  Kenny forrest
October 14, 2015 9:53 am

About the: “I have snap on 2.2 kW single phase compressor”. Kenny i believe it may be the start capacitor..Try spinning the motor with the belt attached! Also another way is to drain the tank an see if the motor still hums. If still hums i would get a new start capacitor or at least look into that area..Good luck

Fix My Compressor Moderator
Fix My Compressor Moderator
Reply to  Kenny forrest
May 15, 2015 11:11 am

Kenny, we think that the problem with your Snap On compressor is that the unloader valve may not be working. If air is trapped over the piston, it adds too much load to the motor circuit, and often the motor will buzz and the breaker let go. See the page on this topic on this site.